Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Season


  • Best In June through August.
  • King salmon are the largest of all wild Pacific salmon.
  • Typically ranging from 8-25 pounds with larger fish being caught on occasion. 

King salmon are the first salmon to arrive in area waters as they prepare to head upstream and spawn. For these reasons the best Ketchikan king salmon fishing takes place in the early summer months. Fishing for king salmon along the most scenic backgrounds one can imagine leaves an unforgettable impression. 


  • Best July Through September
  • Silver salmon and pink salmon follow the king salmon run as they began to show in late June. 

Silver salmon are known for their feisty fighting ability coupled by their exquisite taste! In addition, silver salmon schools reach far higher numbers than that of king salmon. As a result groups salmon fishing in Ketchikan can experience higher volume action with multiple hookups. 

Pink salmon began to run in July as they coincide with the silver salmon run. While silver salmon run in larger schools than king salmon, both are considered minimal when compared to the biomass of pink salmon. Pink salmon schools flood into the surrounding waters of Ketchikan  by the billions! Amassing in such large schools they can be seen jumping in all directions. The height of the pink salmon run occurs July through September. Plan your fishing trip easily online!


  • King Salmon – King Salmon has the highest oil content of any Alaskan wild pacific salmon. For instance, it has the highest amount of Omega-3 fatty acids with an amazing flavor and semi-soft texture. 
  • Silver Salmon – Silver Salmon has a red-orange meat, firm texture and mild flavor profile. Silver Salmon is best cooked on the grill, baked or smoked.
  • Pink Salmon – Pink Salmon has a light colored pinkish- orange meat with a softer meat then king salmon or silver salmon. In addition, pink salmon is best eaten fresh or smoked at low temperatures. 
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